Lies Of P Veteran Explorer Trophy Guide

30 G
Veteran Explorer
Decipher all cryptic vessels and claim the rewards.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls-like.
Lies Of P directory.
Here is the Lies of P Veteran Explorer trophy guide which will help you decipher all cryptic vessels and claim their rewards. There are a total of 6 cryptic vessels in Lies of P and once you have found them you need to return the vessel to Venigni in Hotel Krat who appears once you have taken down the King’s Flame Fuoco boss in the factory during the main story.
The vessels themselves can be either looted out in the World from chests or are obtainable by meeting certain criteria in the game. Be aware though you will need to kill Alidoro in the Relic of Trismegistus biome after defeating the Brotherhood so ensure you have every Special Weapon in the game up to this point or you can, once you’re at the Barren Swamp Bridge Stargazer go right instead of left to find Hugo who, just like Alidoro will have a well detailed dog mask on as headwear.
Ensure you follow along with the Lies of P Story Progression Essentials guide I put together to ensure you don’t miss out on anything as you progress through the game. Speak with Hugo running through his dialogue then as you will need to kill Alidoro you will then find Hugo where Alidoro once stood in Hotel Krat (to the right of Antonia’s portrait on the ground floor) where you can then trade rare Ergo for Special Weapons which saves a lot of potential issues considering you have slain the only Merchant selling Special Weapons up until this point in the game. The 6 cryptic vessels, their locations and the requirements you need to meet to unlock them are as follows:
Crafted Cryptic Vessel
Location: St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel.
Rewards: Owl Doctor’s Hunting Apparel, Quartz.
You will need to gain access to the highest section of the Cathedral and if it’s your first time going there or you need help accessing the shortcut then refer to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel shortcut to avoid a lot of potential hassle then once you’re on the top of the Chapel, go in between the spinning cogs and push the brazier off the ledge which removes the Decay pool below.
Get back down there dropping down along the ledges whilst eliminating anything that gets in your way to the lower level, head down the stairs and through the door to find a chest which holds the Crafted Cryptic Vessel.
Defeat the Fallen Archbishop Andreus boss then speak to Venigni back at Hotel Krat where you can have him decipher the Vessel. You will, once the dialogue is done need to get yourself over to the Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard Stargazer so you have your bearings.
Make your way through the area to the Alchemists Bridge then look up to find a puppet suspended from a bridge. Lock-on then throw any offensive consumable such a Saw-toothed Wheel or a Sharp Pipe at the puppet which makes the Letter with the Refuge’s Address drop.
Get back to the Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard Stargazer then leave out of the way you would have done to continue the story, cross the beam and look to your right to find a door you can open before you get to the puppets, go inside and loot the safe over to the left of the room to acquire the Owl Doctor’s Hunting Apparel and Quartz.
Jewelled Cryptic Vessel
Location: Chapter 6, Estella Opera House Entrance.
Rewards: Legion Caliber, The Atoned’s Hunting Apparel.
To acquire the Jewelled Cryptic Vessel you need to drop down into the pit underneath the swinging enflamed chandelier above the beam you cross to take on the Romeo, King of Puppets boss. Turn right then left up the stairs.
Defeat the Elite and the spider-lady along with the Disruption girls or just run pass them then go into the room at the end of the corridor and turn right to find a ladder you can climb to the chest which holds the Jewelled Cryptic Vessel.
Take the Jewelled Cryptic Vessel to Venigni and have him decipher it then fast travel to Chapter 1, Cerasani Alley, head down to the railings where you fought the Elite earlier in the game who should give you no hassle at this point.
Go right at the bottom of the street then use the Check Ground Gesture which you can access by going: Menu> Gestures> Check Ground on the ground near the end of the railings at the location in the image below to acquire the Legion Caliber and the, The Atoned’s Hunting Apparel.
Old Cryptic Vessel
Location: Chapter 8, Barren Swamp Bridge.
Rewards: Legion Caliber, Life Amulet +1.
Work your way through the Barren Swamp to the bridge where you will be told there’s an earthquake. Activate the Stargazer then go right where you will meet Explorer Hugo. Speak with him exhausting his dialogue then speak to him again where you can then choose the “Talk” dialogue option followed by the “About the discovered treasure” option.
Hugo will say he has found a Cipher which he then gifts to you. This Cipher is the Old Cryptic Vessel which you need to take to Venigni to decode which will task you with going to the Pilgrim’s Path biome in Chapter 5.
If you have unlocked the shortcut to the left of the Stargazer then take the elevator down. If not then make your way back through the Pilgrim’s Path either running pass or dealing with the Carcass enemies to the village where the Brute is and more Carcass enemies will ambush you. If, on your first run through here you didn’t defeat the Elite who bursts through the fence you now need to defeat it. Either way, once it’s dead go up the hill to the right of the hole the Elite created to find a Slum Resident who upon speaking to will give you the Robber’s Shack Key which you can use to unlock the door in the shack behind where you will be standing.
Ensure you are at full health as once you step in to the shack the floor will fall away and you will be ambushed by a weapon wielding Carcass enemy who, once dead will have the Resident who gave you the key laugh and run off. Go through the tunnel and up the ladders before activating the ladder enabling you to safely get back down to the shack’s entrance.
In order to loot the chest at the back of the hole you need to jump in at an angle to the right where you can then carefully stand in front of the chest looting it for the Legion Caliber and the Life Amulet +1.
Rusty Cryptic Vessel
Location: Chapter 9, Collapsed Street.
Rewards: Black Cat’s Hunting Apparel, Quartz.
The Rusty Cryptic Vessel will be purchasable once you have returned all 3 Krat Supply boxes to Polendina with the last one being found off the beaten track in the Chapter 9 Collapsed Street biome by dropping down pass the self-immolating enemies and round to the ledge overlooking the previous biome.
You can refer to the Krat Supply Boxes guide for everything you need to find all 3 Supply Boxes if you haven’t managed to find them all yet which then makes the Rusty Cryptic Vessel purchase with Polendina for 1,000 Ergo having fully expanded his shop.
Take the Rusty Cryptic Vessel to Venigni who will decipher it which then unlocks the previously inaccessible area behind Explorer Hugo in the Chapter 8 Barren Swamp Bridge biome this being the Hermit’s Cave. A very dangerous area filled with Carcasses in all forms from normal to Elites, however, gravity will be more than likely how most players will die as the walkways are very narrow making combat abilities limited.
Work your way through the first half of the Cave using the ladders rather than dropping off the ledges as it’s easy to roll slightly to far and land back at the Stargazer where you will then come to the Hermit’s Cave Stargazer. Rest here then equip your best gear as you have an Elite who is hiding just to the left of the shack after the first walkway and this guy is tough given the narrow space. Use fire to deal increased damage and dodge to the wall rather than the edge of the abyss even if it means you take a hit otherwise you can easily be smacked off the edge regardless.
Continue through the biome take out the Carcass enemies as you go to the staircase. Ensure you are at full health and your weapon(s) are repaired then go through and take down the Elite who utilises both shield and powerful slam attacks whilst remembering fire attacks will melt through Decay based enemies.
Now the path is clear for you to go up the final set of stairs and around to the safe which holds the Black Cat’s Hunting Apparel and a Quartz.
Alidoro's Cryptic Vessel
Location: Chapter 10, Relic of Trismegistus Combat Field.
Rewards: Playthrough 1 (Lie Playthrough): Far East Princess Record, Playthrough 2 (Truth Playthrough): Proposal, Flower, Part 1 Record.
After the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss has been defeated go up the ramp and speal to Alidoro exhausting his dialogue then kill him.
Slaying “Alidoro” will grant you the Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel which you can have Venigni decipher back in Hotel Krat.
With the Vessel deciphered, speak to Eugenie where, on your first playthrough which should be your Lie Playthrough you need to choose the “I think he was just a talented Stalker” dialogue option which will then grant you the Far East Princess Record.
On your 2nd playthrough, once you have again spoken to an slain Alidoro, repeat the steps except this time as you are on your Truth Playthrough you instead need to choose the “He was Eugenie’s older Brother” dialogue option which will then reward you with the Proposal, Flower, Part 1 Record.
Mechanical Cryptic Vessel
Location: Chapter 11, Arche Abbey Broken Rift.
Rewards: Red Fox’s Hunting Apparel, Quartz.
The Mechanical Cryptic Vessel can be found in the Arche Abbey Broken Rift biome by going around to the ladder you need to climb up then follow the walkway straight before taking the third left pass the Carcass enemies where you will find an Elite with a large girder.
Defeat the Elite down then loot the chest at the back of the walkway to acquire the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel.
Take the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel to Venigni then ensure you have the Frozen Feast Special Weapon which you can acquire by trading the Reborn Champion’s Ergo which is dropped by the Champion Victor boss upon bringing him down with Alidoro in the Barren Swamp biome after giving Alidoro the glove from Eugenie.
With the Mechanical Cryptic Vessel deciphered and the Frozen Feast Special Weapon acquired you can then fast travel to the Chapter 9, Abandoned Apartment. Go out from the building and around to the steps where the Decay enemy with the headgear rushes you. Put it down the cross the stone bridge dealing with the enemies along the way as you go right then left through the archway.
Stay right of the Disruption bugs unless they aggro then kill them all. You need to go up the back set of stairs just ensure there are no enemies following you as the Decay enemies with the balls for hands will chase you down if they spot you.
Equip the Frozen Feast Special Weapon if you haven’t done so already then speak with the Merchant where you can choose to show the weapon where he will then recognise you as Mister Frozen Feast apologising for his mistake and rewarding you with the Red Fox’s Hunting Apparel and a Quartz.
That’s the Lies of P Veteran Explorer trophy guide complete, I hope it helped you find, decipher and be rewarded for each of the 5 Cryptic Vessels.