
Lies Of P End Of Riddles Trophy Guide

Lies Of P End of Riddles trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

End of Riddles
Discover all Trinity Sanctums.

Here is the Lies of P End of Riddles trophy guide which will help you discover all Trinity Sanctums of which there are 5 found throughout the City of Krat and in order to access a Sanctum you firstly need to find a ringing payphone you can interact where Arlecchino, an NPC you won’t encounter until much later in the game will lay a riddle out for you to solve with a choice of 2 options. Get the answer correct and you will be given a Trinity Key which you can then use to gain access to one of the Trinity Sanctums which are usually tucked away in obscure locations off the beaten track and can be guarded by powerful enemies so ensure you are well geared before going towards a Sanctum, using the key to gain access then collecting any loot you find inside.

This guide will be laid out in the order you can find the payphones and their subsequent Sanctums as well as giving you the answers and rewards you can expect to find for your efforts with them being as follows:

Venigni Factory Trinity Sanctum

Payphone Location: Chapter 3, Workshop Union Entrance. Answer: Human.
Trinity Sanctum Location: Chapter 3, Workshop Union Culvert.
Rewards: Quartz x1, Blue Blood’s Tailcoat Costume.

The first Trinity Sanctum can be found in the Venigni factory and the payphone is to the right of the bridge you can cross to enter the factory grounds once you have defeated the Scrapped Watchman boss in Krat City Hall Courtyard.

After speaking with Arlecchino you will be prompted to answer his riddle. Answer with “Human” to receive the Trinity Key.

Proceed through the Venigni factory through the tunnel with the burning ball then around pass Red Fox and her Brother then follow the path to where you will find a large red pipe to your left and several puppets to your right.

Go right from the red pipe dealing with the enemies then follow the path to find a set of green doors on your left you can use the Trinity Key on to open and gain access to the Sanctum. Rip the door off the safe to gain access to your rewards of x1 Quartz and the Blue Blood’s Tailcoat Costume.

St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel Trinity Sanctum

Payphone Location: Chapter 5, Malum District. Answer: Candle.
Trinity Sanctum Location: Chapter 4, St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel.
Rewards: Black Cat’s Amulet, Monster Sweeper’s Hunting Apparel.
Initially, when you are going through the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel ensure you open the shortcut by pulling the lever at the top of the area which changes the direction of the platforms. Refer to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel shortcut if you aren’t sure where to find it then proceed through to Chapter 5, Malum District. Head through the Malum District pass the Elite patrolling the courtyard near the bonfire then continue through the area to where you enter a room and are immediately attacked by a Carcass enemy with a large metal bar and another Carcass drops down to join the fight.

Put them down the climb the ladder where you will then find the payphone against the backwall. Interact with it then choose the “Candle” dialogue option when prompted to receive the Trinity Key.

Fast travel back to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel and use the shortcut to get up to the rafters. Run back across the cogs and defeat the Brute where the wooden doorway will fall away.

Kill the 2 Carcass enemies and continue going back through the Cathedral to the area where the electrified ball is rolling down the ramp.

Wait for the ball to roll down the hill then run across the channel to find a ladder you can climb up. Head round and wait for the next ball to run down before sprinting up the channel to the alcove on your left which will be the door to the Trinity Sanctum. Open the door then loot the Black Cat’s Amulet and Monster Sweeper’s Hunting Apparel from the safe.

Estella Opera House Trinity Sanctum

Payphone Location: Chapter 7, Grand Exhibition Gallery. Answer: Egg.
Trinity Sanctum Location: Chapter 6, Estella Opera House Entrance.
Rewards: Belford Superior Radiation Converter, Quartz.
Go through the Grand Exhibition Gallery to where the robot bursts through the metal doors then continue through the area and up the stairs to find several tanks with blue liquid in them, go through the narrow walkway and look left before going right to find the payphone.

Speak to Arlecchino then answer with “Egg” when prompted, however, you won’t get a Trinity Key, instead you will get a clue to the Trinity Keys location which can be found by continuing through the biome to the white stairs you go down.

Ordinarily you would take a left to come to the large room with the carriage and the gun-wielding puppets, instead you need to take a right where you will see 2 female statues which are facing to the right. Interact with the statue on the right twice to rotate it so the statues are then facing each other.

This will make a secret compartment in the back wall open where you can then collect the Trinity Key.

With the key now in your possession fast travel to the Chapter 6, Estella Opera House Stage Stargazer then go back to the swinging enflamed chandelier and drop down into the pit looking to the back wall to find the Trinity Sanctum.

Unlock the Sanctum then go through and loot the safe to acquire the Belford Superior Radiation Converter and a Quartz.

Krat Central Station Trinity Sanctum

Payphone Location: Chapter 9, Krat Central Station Street. Answer: Ergo.
Trinity Sanctum Location: Chapter 9, Krat Central Station Lobby.
Rewards: Workshop Master’s Workwear, Carrier’s Amulet +1.
Continue through Chapter 9 to the Walker of Illusions boss who you need to defeat to open the path to the elevator which breaks and you come to the final area before the Corrupted Parade Master where all Stargazer’s are shut down for teleportation.

Rest at the Krat Central Station Street Stargazer then go right pass the 2 Decay enemies who try and grab you then follow the path around to the railings overlooking the sea. Go left to find the payphone, speak with Arlecchino and answer with “Ergo” to receive the Trinity Key.

Defeat the Corrupted Parade Master boss then go to Hotel Krat where the Stargazers will come back online after you speak to Sophia on the ground floor then Antonia on the first floor allowing you to fast travel to Krat Central Station Lobby.

Go towards the outside area ensuring you take a left before exiting to find the room with the Trinity Sanctum which you can unlock and loot the Workshop Master’s Workwear and the Carrier’s Amulet +1 from the safe.

Arche Abbey Trinity Sanctum

Payphone Location: Chapter 10, Relic of Trismegistus Entrance. Answer: You can answer either “No” or “Yes”, you will either get the Chosen One’s Trinity Key or the King of Riddle’s Surprise Box which you can open to reveal the Chosen One’s Trinity Key.
Trinity Sanctum Location: Chapter 11, Arche Abbey Outer Wall.
After you have dealt with the large axe wielding puppet who bursts through the wall in the Chapter 10, Relic of Trismegistus Entrance biome, follow the path and go up to the left to find the payphone where you can speak to Arlecchino for the final time.

On your first playthrough which should be your Lie Playthrough I strongly recommend going answering “No” when he askes if you’re a killer which will reward you with the King of Riddles’ Surprise Box.

Go into your inventory then tab right to the Collectible section and choose to use the King of Riddles’ Surprise Box which will then not only give you the, The Chosen One’s Trinity Key but also give you a full stack of Decay with the explosion having a high chance of alerting the nearby puppets.

With the Chosen One’s Trinity Key acquired, ride the sub to Chapter 11 and continue through the game to the Arche Abbey Outer Wall biome. Head through the area pass the Tiger then before going up the ladder, go down the stairs to open the shortcut back to the Stargazer. From here, go back and up and climb the ladder where you will then need to navigate your way down through the middle of the area. You can go down one floor then drop down to the lowest level but it will hurt so try and take the path using the planks and ladders to descend.

At the bottom of the area you will be ambushed by a Macho Man so take it down then look to one of the far walls where you will see the Trinity Sanctum doors. Open the doors then go through into the Sanctum where, as long as this is the final Sanctum you need to enter you will then unlock End of Riddles.

That’s the Lies of P End of Riddles trophy guide complete, I hope it helped you find all Trinity Sanctums and enjoy the loot found inside.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll see you on the next one.

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