Astro Bot Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Easy Platinum, Platformer.
Astro Bot directory.
Welcome to the Astro Bot trophy guide which will help you through this complete love letter to the last 30 years of PlayStation as you take on the role of Astro as he tries to rebuild the Mothership whilst rescuing Bots from across the PlayStation universe galaxy by galaxy.
- Platforms: PlayStation 5.
- Trophies: 44: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 17, Bronze: 24.
- Release Date: 6th September 2024.
- Missable: None.
- Glitched: Nothing yet.
- Online: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 3/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 40 Hours.
Astro Bot is one of the best platformers out there and one that is a lot larger than it may first appear as you have 5 main galaxies to work through, 2 secret galaxies, 301 Bots to rescue, 17,100 coins to collect, a serious amount of puzzle pieces and a lot of challenge stages for you to work through.
From the start of the game, work through the Crash Site following the exclamation markers which show you the way to progress through the story to where you go out into space and come to the Gorilla Nebula galaxy which will be the first one you come to.
You will then need to work through all 5 galaxies completing the stages as you go. Every stage is replayable as many times as required so don’t worry about missing anything you have the freedom to go back, explore, investigate, learn and understand any of the biomes you come across which will help you gather every collectible, take down every boss and unlock all of the trophies in the game.
As you work through the main game in the first 5 galaxies there are a lot of trophies you can earn along the way with the main story ones as you work towards rolling the credits being:
- Unforgettable.
- Solid Performance.
- Doing It For You.
- Keep It Cool.
- Take Cover!.
- A Lot to Process.
- One Bot Down….
- A Puzzling Start.
Depending on how you play and how vigilante you are at collecting the Bots you can also earn the following trophies along the way:
- Monkey See, Monkey Rescue.
- Tentacular Spectacular.
- Fangs Very Much!.
- Nowhere To Hide.
- Back To The Nest.
- Lost And Found.
There are also several trophies you can earn as you progress through various levels which will unlock:
- What Is He Saying?.
- Um Jammer Slammy.
- Net Profit.
- Eyes Of The All-Father.
- The Lost Eggacy.
- What A Trip!.
- Double Dug-in.
- Time To Cash In!.
- Jumping Through Hoops.
You will more than likely have connected a good amount of puzzle pieces as you have made your way through Astro Bot, once you have them all you will have unlocked the following trophies along the way:
- Licence To Spend.
- Animal Attraction.
- Splash My Dash.
- Time For A Change.
- Monumental Achievement.
- Strike A Pose!.
With all of the Bots and puzzle pieces collected you will then be able to mop up everything in the Crash Site where you can unlock the following trophies:
- The Golden Bot.
- First Prize.
- Money Well Spent.
- SingStars.
- Thick As Thieves.
- Thaw, God Of Thunder!.
- Royally Stuck.
- Let’s Twist Again.
- Deep-Pocket Dragon.
- KO!.
- Wall Buster.
- Keep It Together!.
- Bot Bot Revolution.
- At The Top Of My Game.
With everything above complete you will then finally be able to unlock:

Earned all Trophies. Well done and see you in Astro’s next adventure!
You will need to earn the other 43 trophies throughout Astro Bot before you will unlock Astro-nomical!.

Recovered the Mothership’s Memory.
You will recover the Mothership’s Memory after you have finished the Apes on the Loose stage in the Gorilla Nebula which unlocks Unforgettable!.

Solid Performance
Recovered the Mothership’s SSD.
You will will recover the Mothership’s SSD once you have completed the Bot Of War stage in the Tentacle Nebula which unlocks Solid Performance.

Doing It For You
Recovered the Mothership’s GPU.
You will recover the Mothership’s GPU once you have completed the Dude Raiding stage in the Serpent Starway Nebula which unlocks Doing It For You.

Keep It Cool
Recovered the Mothership’s Cooling Fan.
You will recover the Mothership’s Cooling Fan once you have completed the Going Loco stage in the Camo Cosmos Nebula which unlocks Keep It Cool.

Take Cover!
Recovered the Mothership’s Protection Covers.
You will recover the Mothership’s Protection Covers once you have completed the Machine Learning stage in the Feather Cluster Nebula which unlocks Take Cover!.

A Lot To Process
Saved the CPU Kid.
Once you have completed the 5 Nebula’s in the game you can then face off against the final boss who, once defeated will reward you with the CPU which unlocks A Lot To Process.

One Bot Down…
Rescued your first Bot.
You will rescue your first bot early on in the first biome, in the Gorilla Nebula, Sky Garden unlocking One Bot Down… in the process.

Monkey See, Monkey Rescue
Rescued all Bots in Gorilla Nebula.
There are 42 Bots for you to unlock throughout the Gorilla Nebula which are spread throughout 6 main biomes and 3 hidden ones with the Bots being in every location from on the main path to secret rooms which will take some digging out to find, then, with all 42 Bots found you will unlock Monkey See, Monkey Rescue.
Refer to the Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations for how to find all 42 Bots in the first Nebula you can access in the first galaxy.

Tentacular Spectacular
Rescued all Bots in Tentacle System
There are 43 Bots spread throughout the Tentacle System which are situated throughout 6 main stages as well as the 7 mini biomes which will take a fair amount of skill, patience and perseverance if you are looking at collecting all of them which will then unlock Tentacular Spectacular.
Refer to the Tentacle System Bot Locations for a look at how to acquire all 43 Bots in the second galaxy.

Fangs Very Much!
Rescued all Bots in Serpent Starway.
There are 42 Bots spread throughout the Serpent Starway which are situated throughout 6 main stages as well as the 6 mini biomes which will take a fair amount of skill, patience and perseverance if you are looking at collecting all of them which will then unlock Fangs Very Much!.
Refer to the Serpent Starway Bot locations for a detailed guide on where all 42 Bots are located in the third galaxy.

Nowhere To Hide
Rescued all Bots in Camo Cosmos.
There are 40 Bots spread throughout the Tentacle System which are situated throughout 6 main stages as well as the 6 mini biomes which will take a fair amount of skill, patience and perseverance if you are looking at collecting all of them which will then unlock Nowhere To Hide.
Refer to the Camo Cosmos Bot locations for a look at how to acquire all 40 Bots in the fourth galaxy.

Back To The Nest
Rescued all Bots in Feather Cluster.
There are 48 Bots spread throughout the Feather Cluster which are situated throughout 7 main stages as well as the 7 mini biomes which will take a fair amount of skill, patience and perseverance if you are looking at collecting all of them which will then unlock Back To The Nest.
Refer to the Feather Cluster Bot locations for detailed guides on how to collect all 48 Bots in the penultimate galaxy.

Lost And Found
Rescued all Bots in Lost Galaxy.
The Lost Galaxy is a strange one as it won’t appear through the main story like the other 6 galaxies do, instead, the Lost Galaxy is accessible by finding hidden stages which are located in any of the stages with the vortex symbol next to the them.
Upon finding the first hidden stage you will then be able to access the Lost Galaxy from the South of your universe map. There are a total of 55 Bots to be found in the Lost Galaxy throughout the 11 Stages.
Refer to the Astro Bot Lost Galaxy Bot locations for a detailed guide on where the secret stages can be found in their respective main stages as well as how to find every Bot who is awaiting rescue.

The Golden Bot
Rescued the Special Master Bot at the top of the Golden Statue.
Firstly, you will need to unlock the Golden Statue which is done so by finding all 120 puzzle pieces (refer to Monumental Achievement). With all 120 puzzle pieces collected you will now need to ensure you have all 300 Bots which are found in the following galaxies:
- Gorilla Nebula: There are 42 Bots to be rescued in the Gorilla Nebula. Refer to the Gorilla Nebula Bot locations.
- Tentacle System: There are 43 Bots to be rescued in the Tentacle System. Refer to the Tentacle System Bot locations.
- Serpent Starway: There are 42 Bots to be rescued in the Serpent Starway. Refer to the Serpent Starway Bot locations.
- Camo Cosmos: There are 40 Bots to be rescued in the Camo Cosmos. Refer to the Camo Cosmos Bot locations.
- Feather Cluster: There are 48 Bots to be rescued in the Feather Cluster. Refer to the Feather Cluster Bot locations.
- Lost Galaxy: There are 55 Bots to be rescued in the Lost Galaxy. Refer to the Lost Galaxy Bot locations.
- Crash Site: There are 30 Bots to be rescued in the Crash Site. Refer to the Crash Site Bot locations.
This will then permit you to use the 300 Bots to build the tower needed you can run up to the final level: the Great Master Challenge which, once complete will allow you to collect the Special Master Bot unlock The Golden Bot once complete.
Refer to the Astro Bot Great Master Challenge if you need any help getting through this stage.

A Puzzling Start
Found your first Puzzle Piece.
You will collect your first Puzzle Piece shortly after starting the first biome in the game Sky Garden unlocking A Puzzling Start once you do.

Licence To Spend
Opened the Gatcha Lab.
You will need to find any 16 puzzle pieces throughout the game (refer to Monumental Achievement) to open the Gatcha Lab in the Crash Site which then unlocks Licence To Spend.

Animal Attraction
Opened the Safari Park.
You will need to find any 64 puzzle pieces throughout the game (refer to Monumental Achievement) to open the Safari Park in the Crash Site which then unlocks Animal Attraction.

Splash My Dash
Opened the Dual Speeder Garage.
You will need to find any 32 puzzle pieces throughout the game (refer to Monumental Achievement) to open the Dual Speeder Garage in the Crash Site which then unlocks Splash My Dash.

Time For A Change
Opened the Changing Room.
You will need to find any 48 puzzle pieces throughout the game (refer to Monumental Achievement) to open the Changing Room in the Crash Site which then unlocks Time For A Change.

Monumental Achievement
Unlocked the Golden Statue.
The Golden Boy Statue is unlocked once you have found all 120 Puzzle Pieces throughout Astro Bot which are found in the following galaxies:
- Gorilla Nebula: 16 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Gorilla Nebula puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Tentacle System: 16 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Tentacle System puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Serpent Starway: 16 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Serpent Starway puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Camo Cosmos: 16 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Camo Cosmos puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Feather Cluster: 19 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Feather Cluster puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Déjà Vu Dimension: 4 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Déjà Vu Dimension puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Lost Galaxy: 22 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Lost Galaxy puzzle pieces for their locations.
- Crash Site: 11 Puzzle Pieces. Refer to the Crash Site puzzle pieces for their locations.
With all 120 puzzle pieces collected you will then unlock the Golden Statue in the Crash Site biome unlocking Monumental Achievement.

First Prize
Collected your first Gatcha from the Gatcha Lab.
Refer to Money Well Spent for how to access and work through the Gatcha Lab.

Money Well Spent
Earned 150 prizes from the Gatcha Lab.
Refer to Licence To Spend for how to open the Gatcha Lab then to purchase anything you need to enter the Gatcha Lab where Astro will jump up to the right and you will control a lever with L2 and a Crusher with R2.
In order to make a purchase at the Gatcha Lab you will need at least 1,000 coins which can easily be collected as you play through the game and in total you will need 15,000 coins to purchase 150 prizes so keep playing through the game working towards unlock Astro-Nomical to keep collecting coins.
You won’t be able to make purchases in the Gatcha Lab unless you have enough Bots so ensure you collect them and the puzzle pieces as you work through the game then once you have purchased 150 prizes from the Gatcha Lab for which you can see a counter for in the top right of the Gatcha Lab you will unlock Money Well Spent.

Strike A Pose!
Took a picture at a Photo Spot.
Refer to Animal Attraction for how to unlock the Safari Park which you can then enter. Go any of the blue glowing sections in the Safari Park where you can press Up followed by R2 to take a picture which will then unlock Strike A Pose!.

Witnessed all ship parts singing together in Crash Site.
You will have all ship parts once you complete the final mission and take down the Space Bully Nebulax boss where you then receive the CPU. Along the way you will also acquire the SSD, Memory, Cooling Fan, GPU and protection covers.
Once you have everything placed back into the PlayStation 5 go to the left side of the Mothership in the Crash Site, climb the ladder then press Down to dance with the components.
Continue to dance for a few seconds where SingStars will soon unlock.

What Is He Saying?
Splashed Papa Tree’s face during his song.
During the Trunk of Funk stage which you will find in the Tentacle System you will need to point a water jet at the green bulb near the start of the level. Keep firing water at the bulb until it evolves into the Papa Tree.
As long as you keep the water flowing whilst aiming it at the Papa Trees mouth, you will unlock What Is He Saying? after a short while.

Um Jammer Slammy
Successfully dunked the basketball in Construction Derby.
Go to the Construction Derby stage in the Gorilla Nebula then work through until you get the Dog Booster. Smash through the glass and take out the enemies where you can then look to the left of where you smashed through to find a wooden crate.
Use your Dog Boost to get through the crate which will send a few Basketballs flying. Punch one of the Basketballs whilst looking at the hoop on the left wall to score a point unlocking Um Jammer Slammy.

Net Profit
Caught the gold butterfly in Apes On The Loose.
The Gold Butterfly is hiding in the green bush at the back of the area behind the statue. Defeat the Green Slime which spawns when you get close then hit the bush with your net. You can then use the rails the border the central statue to get more speed allowing you to get in front of the Gold Butterfly.
It may take a few attempts to net the Butterfly but persevere and you’ll get it soon enough which will then unlock Net Profit.

Eyes Of The All-Father
Found and defeated all eight ravens in Bot Of War.
The Bot of War stage will be the final accessible stage in the Tentacle System and sees you take on the role of the God of War, Kratos who’s Leviathan Axe can be wielded.
Refer to the Astro Bot Eyes Of The All-Father trophy guide for a detailed look at where to find and how to defeat all 8 Ravens in the Bot of War biome.

The Lost Eggacy
Collected all three egg artefacts in Dude Raiding.
Dude Raiding is the final stage you can access in the Serpent Starway and sees you assume the role of Nathan Drake as you work through a tough jungle biome there are 3 Golden Eggs to be found and collected.
Refer to the Astro Bot The Lost Eggacy trophy guide for a full breakdown of where the 3 eggs are found and how to collect them.

What A Trip!
Defeated seven enemies with the Tripcaster.
For this one you need to be in the Machine Learning stage which is the last accessible stage in the Feather Cluster galaxy so keep progressing through the game to this point then continue through the biome until you slide along the controller wire having dealt with the missile firing Frogs.
Take out the 2 electrified enemies then pay attention to the 3 pink electrified wires which are Tripcasters. You need to be careful not to touch the Tripcasters with your rocket boots as they will sever the connection instantly and we need these wires.
Jump over the set of wires to your left and bait the enemies into chasing you as you jump back over the wire. The enemies will run into the Tripcaster which kills them and as long as you take out 7 enemies in one sitting without dying or quitting the stage you will unlock What A Trip!.

Double Dug-in
Took out two Wormys at the same time.
You will meet Wormys in the Wormy Passage stage found in the Tentacle System and there are several places you can get this done with the being just after you enter the caverns.
Go forward and up onto the ledge where you will be ambushed by 2 Wormys, one on your left and one on your right. Hold L2 to fire the Gecko glove into the Wormys mouth then hold it there.
Pan the camera right and hold R2 to fire the right Gecko glove into the other Wormys mouth. You can then pull back to rip both Wormys out of the ground at the same time which unlocks Double Dug-in.

Time To Cash In!
Stopped time and won the jackpot on all four slot machines in Slo-Mo Casino.
Slo-Mo Casino is the first main biome you can access in the third main World, Serpent Starway and sees you needing to go through the stage with a special ability which slows down time for a few seconds once activated.
Go through the courtyard taking out the enemies as you go then get through the curtain to the main casino area. You will find 4 slot machines as soon as you are through the curtain, 2 on your left and 2 on the right.
If we start from the left and move right across them all you need to hit the button at the base of the slot machine so it lands on the 3 yellow Astro symbols which will then be considered the Jackpot.
Slow down time as you need to which will help you get the timing right and it may take you many attempts per slot machine until you manage to hit all 3 Astro symbols across the 4 slots.
Once you hit the Jackpot across all 4 slots you will then unlock Time To Cash In!.

Jumping Through Hoops
Leapt through the ring in Bubbling Under.
Bubbling Under is a stage you can access in the fourth galaxy, Camo Cosmos and one which sees you traversing through several canyons filled with water until you get to the open area where you need to rescue the Starfish by breaking the chains.
Upon entering the open area if you go over to your left you will see several Dolphins leaping through a blue stone ring above the surface. Line yourself up with the ring the use your Penguin Boost to get enough speed to breach the surface and leap through the ring which then unlocks Jumping Through Hoops.

Thick As Thieves
Captured a photo of two legendary explorers in Crash Site.
Before you can work towards this one you will firstly need to have completed the Lady Venomara and Dude Raiding stages in the Serpent Starway Galaxy which rescues Nathan Drake, you will then need to have found the Aristocratic Archaeologist Bot (Lara Croft) in the Hieroglitch Pyramid stage in the Camo Cosmos galaxy.
This will then give you access to the 2 legendary explorers who are emulations of Nathan Drake and Lara Croft. Ensure you have the camera which is obtained once you enter the Safari Park in the Crash Site (refer to Animal Attraction).
Once you have the 2 Bots required they will unfortunately be at opposite sides of the Crash Site biome so press Triangle to call every Bot you have to you then find the Aristocratic Archaeologist (Lara Croft) who looks like this:
You can then find Nathan Drake who looks like this:
Finally, punch the 2 of them close together which may take a few attempts but once they are close press UP then R2 after lining up the shot to snap a picture of them both together which then unlock Thick As Thieves.

Thaw, God of Thunder!
Froze a hammer-wielding deity with the axe in Crash Site.
Before you work towards this trophy you will firstly need to complete both the Wako Tako and Bot of War stages in the Tentacle System galaxy which returns Kratos to the Crash Site. Along the way to completing the Bot of War stage you will need to have collected the Thunder God Bot (Thor).
With Both Kratos and Thor in the Crash site you will then need to purchase Gatcha Prizes (refer to Licence To Spend for how to unlock the Gatcha Lab) until you receive the Well-Stocked Campfire item which then causes Kratos to have his Leviathan Axe.
Both Kratos, Thor and the other Asgardians will be in the North East section of the Crash Site biome so go over there then stand in between Kratos and Thor.
Punch Kratos then jump over Thor ensuring Thor is between Kratos and Astro. Kratos will try and retaliate to your punch by throwing the Leviathan Axe at you but instead with Thor in the way it will freeze him instead unlocking Thaw, God of Thunder! in the process.

Royally Stuck
Got a little too close to a sticky sphere in Crash Site.
Before you can work towards this trophy you will firstly need to have rescued the Royal Roller Bot who is at the top of the tree in the Downsize Surprise stage in the Tentacle System galaxy.
You will then need to purchase prizes in the Gatcha Lab (refer to Licence To Spend) until you receive the Rolling Star which is the Gatcha item related to the Royal Roller.
Go over to the Royal Roller Bot who is on the South West side of the Crash Site, punch him then stand in the way of the ball he will be rolling to have to unlock Royally Stuck.

Let’s Twist Again
Busted a move with an iconic marsupial in Crash Site.
Before you can work towards this trophy you will firstly need to have rescued the Spinning Marsupial Bot (Crash Bandicoot) who is found in the Az-Tech Trail stage in the Gorilla Nebula.
You will then need to find the Protective Spirit Gatcha item in the Gatcha Lab (refer to Licence To Spend) which gives Crash the Aku Aku power up from the Crash series.
Go over to the Spinning Marsupial who is in the Northern section of the Crash Site just behind the PlayStation 5 Mothership then press Down to start dancing which will then unlock Let’s Twist Again after a few seconds.

Deep-Pocket Dragon
Made a tough guy drop all his items in Crash Site.
Before you can work towards this trophy you will firstly need to have rescued the Tattooed Dragon Bot (Kazuma Kiryu from the Yakzuka series) from the Boing Bonanza stage in the Camo Cosmos galaxy.
You will also need to acquire the Iconic Gate Gatcha item from the Gatcha Lab (refer to Licence To Spend for how to unlock the Gatcha Lab).
After this, go over to the Tattooed Dragon Bot who is situated over on the East side of the Crash Site biome. Go up to him then perform a charged punch by holding Square which will then cause the Dragon to drop all of his items unlocking Deep-Pocket Dragon in the process.

Picked a fight with two street fighting warriors in Crash Site.
You have some work to do before this one will unlock as you need to have rescued both the Ryu and Ken Bots from the Street Fighter series both of whom are hidden at the end of challenge stages which are:
- Disciplined Warrior (Ryu) is unlockable once you have completed the Retro Rampage 1 stage in the Gorilla Nebula.
- Assured Rival (Ken) is unlockable once you have completed the Retro Rampage 2 stage in the Tentacle System.
With both fighters rescued and back at the Crash Site go just to the left of the area behind the central PS5 Mothership where you will see the 2 fighters squaring off against each other.
Go up to them and punch either one of them where you will get knocked down, you can then get back up and hit the other fighter to get knocked down again which unlocks KO!.

Wall Buster
Broke up a Bot Wall.
After you have completed the Gorilla Nebula and restored the Mothership’s Memory (refer to Unforgettable!) you will be able to go to the next area in the Crash Site which is part of the main story.
Upon doing so you can go to the back of the area and whistle (press Triangle) once you have freed at least 30 Bots where the Bots will then make a wall you can climb up.
Even though is part of the main story you can come back at any time later in the game or on the first time and punch any of the Bots who make the wall to then unlock Wall Buster.

Keep It Together!
Knocked a Bot out of a Bot Tower without it collapsing.
Go to the Crash Site biome then make your way over to the left of the main area once you have at least 10 Bots rescued. You can then press Triangle to whistle for your Bots who will then lift 3 stone platforms up in the air allowing you to get up to the Puzzle Piece.
Run to the stone which is being held up by either 2 or 3 Bots and punch one of them away which should make the platform fall except it doesn’t for some reason which then unlock Keep It Together!.

Bot Bot Revolution
Danced with 100 Bots in Crash Site.
Once you have rescued 100 Bots you can go to the Crash Site and press Triangle to call them over to you then press Down where you will all then start Dancing unlocking Bot Bot Revolution.

At The Top Of My Game
Made it to the top of the Mothership.
Keep progressing through the game collecting the Mothership components, then once you have the Protection Covers which are acquired in the final main galaxy, Feather Cluster after you finish the Machine Learning stage you will be able to go to the Crash Site.
Go to the right side of the Mothership where you can climb up to the top using a ladder, rope and vertical wall where you will then unlock At The Top Of My Game once you’re at the top.