A Fisherman's Tale Trophy Guide
Author: Trozenator.
Genres: Action Adventure, Puzzle, Sports.
A Fisherman’s Tale directory.
Welcome to the A Fisherman’s Tale trophy guide which will help you through every step of this charming and intuitively designed VR experience.
- Platforms: PlayStation 5, PS VR2.
- Trophies: 30: Platinum: 1, Gold: 5, Silver: 12, Bronze: 12.
- Release Date: 22nd January 2019.
- Missable: None.
- Glitched: 1: Size does matter.
- Online: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 6 Hours.
Stage 1: [Optional] Blind Playthrough
If you wish to play through the game without looking up any tips or tricks, you absolutely can without worrying about messing up any future trophies. A blind playthrough of this game will probably take anywhere from an hour to two hours, and there are four chapters that contain puzzles (excluding the prologue and epilogue).
If you wish to get straight to the trophy hunting, skip to the next stage of the roadmap, however, if you do choose to go for a blind playthrough you will earn the following trophies:
Stage 2: Collect All Collectables, Miscellaneous Trophies Playthrough
This next playthrough will hopefully attain every miscellaneous trophy and grab all the collectables. Every collectable and missable trophy can be picked up via chapter select, but if you wish to do them all quickly in one run, refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough. That walkthrough will help you earn almost every trophy in order, as fast as possible.
- Over there… a pearl!.
- Pearls of a new beginning.
- Pearls from home.
- Pearls from the depths.
- Pearls from the Father.
- Pearls from the heights.
- Great pearl hunter.
- Almost free.
- Obsessive cleaner.
- Don’t make me say no again!.
- Adamantium crustacean.
- Bad food habits.
- The tornado.
- A steady routine.
- Size does matter.
- Superior protection for a healthy mouth !.
- Woops….
- Flame-bearer.
- Farewell, tiny puppet.
- Hand in hand.
- Dare the impossible.
- Homerun!.
Stage 3: Complete the Game in Less Than 150 Grabs
This trophy requires a separate playthrough; you need to complete the game with less than 150 grabs. Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale Economy of means trophy guide for a step-by-step walkthrough for every grab to earn the trophy. This trophy should be left for last so that you already know all the chapters inside and out.
With everything above unlocked you will have finished the game unlocking:

Explorer at the edge of the world
Unlock all of the Fisherman’s trophies.
Earn the other 29 trophies found throughout A Fisherman’s Tale to unlock Explorer at the edge of the world.

Once upon a time…
This trophy is earned by completing Prologue.
You can also unlock the following 2 trophies during the Prologue:
- Almost free (Throw the miniature version of yourself out the window).
- Obsessive cleaner (Use the duster on the tiny model).
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Prologue for a step-by-step guide.

The Fearful One
Unlock Chapter 1.
This trophy is earned by completing Chapter 1, in which you find that a window in the lighthouse has been mysteriously boarded up.
You can also unlock the following 5 trophies during Chapter 1:
- Dare the impossible (Try to grab the miniature version of yourself).
- Homerun! (Throw an object extremely far outside the roof of the lighthouse).
- Don’t make me say no again! (Present too many incorrect items to the hermit crab).
- Adamantium crustacean (Touch the hermit crabs shell with the fire poker).
- Hand in hand (Hand an item to yourself through the model without ever letting it leave your hands).
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Chapter 1 for a step-by-step guide.

The Famished One
Unlock Chapter 2.
This trophy is earned by completing Chapter 2, where you go against your fisherman instincts by trying to give a captured fish some water.
You can also unlock the following 3 trophies during Chapter 2:
- A steady routine (Place a log into the fireplace while underwater).
- The tornado (Use the duster to uplift as many tiny objects from the model, best done underwater).
- Bad food habits (Give the fish too many incorrect objects while he is asking for food).
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Chapter 2 for a step-by-step guide.

The Dutiful One
Unlock Chapter 3.
This trophy is earned by completing Chapter 3, which begins in Papa’s old study.
You can also unlock the following 2 trophies during Chapter 3:
- Superior protection for a healthy mouth ! (Brush the shark teeth on the shelf using the toothbrush in the drawer).
- Woops… (Bring an extremely large boat piece to you using the crane and grab it).
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Chapter 3 for a step-by-step guide.

The Lighthouse
Unlock Chapter 4.
This trophy is earned by completing Chapter 4, starting with a raging storm and you having only a single match left. You can also unlock, Flame-bearer (Give the matchbox and match to the smallest fisherman, and have him light the match) during Chapter 4.
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Chapter 4 for a step-by-step guide.

Free… at last!
… and so our story ends.
This trophy is earned by completing the Epilogue. You can also unlock, Farewell, tiny puppet (Look inside the tiny lighthouse and give the sleeping puppet a pat) during the Epilogue.
Refer to the, A Fisherman’s Tale game walkthrough, Epilogue for a step-by-step guide.

Over there… a pearl!
Find your first magical pearl, hidden somewhere in the little puppet’s world.
You will likely earn this trophy without thinking, because you’ll see a shiny thing and naturally want to touch it. Check out Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Pearls of a new beginning
Find all the pearls hidden in the Prologue.
Refer to Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Pearls from home
Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 1.
Refer to Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Pearls from the depths
Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 2.
Refer to Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Pearls from the Father
Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 3.
Refer to Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Pearls from the heights
Find all the pearls hidden in Chapter 4.
Refer to Great pearl hunter for the locations of all the pearls across the chapters.

Great pearl hunter
Find all the magical pearls hidden in the little puppet’s world.
In every chapter, there are three pearls hidden around the area. You can collect these pearls by putting your hand or any other object on them. If you are having trouble reaching a pearl, you can use any object to extend your reach and touch it, alongside extending your hands. The pearl will be saved forever once you’ve collected it.
Refer to the A Fisherman’s Tale Great pearl hunter trophy guide for a look at where to find every magical pearl required to unlock Great pearl hunter.

Almost free
The little puppet sets sail.
You can earn this trophy in the Prologue, when you are messing with your small-scale lighthouse at the end. Once you put together your body, you can turn around and chuck yourself out the window to unlock Almost free. Don’t worry, it will spawn right back.
Note that you can quickly earn Obsessive Cleaner in this exact same section.

Obsessive cleaner
The very first model… now spotless!
You can earn this trophy in the Prologue. When messing with your small-scale lighthouse, if you bring over the duster and clean the lighthouse, you will earn Obsessive cleaner. The duster is found on the desk. Note that you can quickly earn Almost free in this exact same section.

Don’t make me say no again!
The noble crustacean loses patience.
You can earn this trophy in Chapter 1. Once the hermit crab asks you for its hat and life preserver, if you keep bringing it incorrect items, it will get mad at you, earning this trophy. It will take about ten different rejections until Don’t make me say no again! unlocks.

Adamantium crustacean
This shell truly is unbreakable!
You can earn this trophy in Chapter 1. Once the hermit crab starts talking, take the fire poker by the fireplace and touch it to the shell. You can do this while he is talking or even outside of his shell. Touching the fire poker to the shell will unlock Adamantium Crustacean.

Bad food habits
Frustrate the big tuna.
You can earn this trophy in Chapter 2. When the fish is begging for food, if you keep throwing the wrong objects at him, he will keep rolling his eyes. Do it enough times to unlock Bad food habits.

The tornado
A tornado has turned the place upside down, carrying away 25 objects in the whirlwind!
An easy time to earn this is in Chapter 2. While you’re underwater, go to the small-scale lighthouse. Grab an object (such as the duster), and go inside the small-scale lighthouse to uplift everything inside, sending it out the opened roof. Get enough objects out and you will unlock The tornado.

A steady routine
Cheer up the tiny Fisherman… even at the depths of the ocean.
This trophy can be earned in Chapter 2. After you’ve filled the lighthouse with water, go over to your fireplace and put a log in it. Doing so will unlock A steady routine.

Size does matter
Grab one of the very large objects during Chapter 3.
This trophy can only be earned in Chapter 3. During the section where you normally need to bring small boat pieces with a crane up to you, you will want to bring the small boat piece to the small-scale lighthouse. Doing this will bring a huge boat piece to you. Attempt to grab the huge boat piece to unlock Size does matter. As a warning, this may glitch out the level and you might have to restart.
Credit to Troz Trophy Guides for the video.

Superior protection for a healthy mouth !
Get these shark teeth all shiny and clean!
You can earn this trophy in Chapter 3. There will be a set of shark teeth sitting on the shelf. Take the shark teeth, and find the toothbrush in the drawer in front of the miniature boat. Use the toothbrush to brush the shark teeth and unlock Superior protection for a healthy mouth !.

Throw away the last match in the whole universe.
This trophy can only be earned in Chapter 4. Sometime in this chapter you will get your hands on a match. Throw this match out the broken window to unlock Woops…. Don’t worry, it will spawn back.

A very big matchbox for a very tiny fisherman.
This complicated trophy can be earned in Chapter 4. For this trophy, you need to hand the matchbox to the smallest version of yourself, and then have that small version light a match. First, you need to try to squeeze the matchbox into the smallest glass model. It is a very tight fit, but it’s possible.
Set down the matchbox so the striking side is facing up. Next, you’ll need the smallest version of yourself to grab the match. Go through the process of handing the match off, and quickly try to strike the match on the box before it respawns. If you’re able to set the match on fire, Flame-bearer will unlock. This might take a few attempts to get all the movements down.
Credit to Troz Trophy Guides for the video.

Farewell, tiny puppet
One last pat on the tiny puppet’s shoulder.
This trophy can only be earned in the Epilogue. Once you spawn, you will be directed to walk outside. Instead of walking outside, look inside the miniature lighthouse, and you’ll see yourself sleeping. Give yourself a pat to unlock Farewell, tiny puppet.

Economy of means
Finish the game by grabbing less than 150 objects.
Economy of means is the only trophy which might prove to be a challenge, so you should leave this for your last playthrough after you know all the puzzles. Every chapter is pretty straight-forward except Chapter 3, where you will have to use a crane to pick up some boat pieces.
Every time you touch one of the controls to the crane, another grab is added.
Refer to the A Fisherman’s Tale Economy of means trophy guide for a full breakdown of the grabs needed to unlock Economy of means.
Credit to Efficient Gaming for the video.

Hand in hand
Give an object to yourself.
To unlock Hand in hand, you need to pass an object to yourself without it ever leaving your hands. This can be done in Chapter 1 and 2. The easiest spot to do this is when grabbing the miniature versions of items for the hermit crab. If your reach isn’t long enough, you can extend your arms.

Dare the impossible
Try to grab the tiny puppet in the model.
This trophy can only be earned in Chapter 1. Once it is revealed there is a smaller model of you inside your lighthouse, attempt to grab yourself with R2.
Doing so will unlock Dare the impossible.

Throw an object beyond the limits of your world.
This trophy can be earned in Chapter 1 or 2. Take an object, and just absolutely chuck is as far as you can out of your lighthouse. If it makes it far enough, Homerun! will unlock.
If you want a further throw, you can use your extended arms to have a wider arc on your throw.
That’s the A Fisherman’s Tale trophy guide complete, I hope the guide helped you through the game.